Noah’s Ark: Survivors

May 1st 2014 the Earth is scorched by a stray asteroid, wiping out almost all life. Almost, but not quite. Three thousand souls aboard a cruise ship visiting the north pole are spared by a freak of nature.

Noah's Ark: SurvivorsThe ship’s First Officer, Jake Noah, was looking forward to getting back to dry land once and for all. But then the world ended, and now he finds himself reluctantly in charge of the last handful of survivors of the human race.

The limited resources on board mean that just staying alive will be a struggle. With the threat of mutiny ever present, can Jake rise to the challenge and lead his crew and their passengers on a quest for safety, or will he take the easy option and leave anarchy and chaos to prevail?

Book One in the thrilling Noah’s Ark series

Noah’s Ark: Survivors is available now, free from these stores:  :  Amazon UK  :  Apple iBookstore  :  Google Play  :  Kobo  :  Barnes & Noble

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