Dark Webb: The Dark Webb Series Book One

Dark Webb“Meet Amy from Leeds. Should she live, or should she die? Her fate is in your hands! Vote now…”

Reclusive website designer Thaddeus Webb thinks he knows the internet, but a brief excursion into its shadier regions throws up more than he bargained for. He stumbles across a harrowing video of a captive girl, her destiny to be decided by paying voters.

When it becomes clear the authorities aren’t taking the plight of the victim seriously, Thad knows he can’t stand by and do nothing. Could this be his chance to redeem himself for the sins of his past?

Before he knows it, he’s become embroiled in a search that traverses both physical space and cyber-space as he works to track down the untrackable, trace the untraceable, and try to save the blameless teenager before the vote reaches its grisly conclusion.

Dark Webb is priced $3.99¹ and is available from all good bookshops, including:

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¹ Electronic edition RRP $3.99. Print edition RRP $14.99.  International prices may vary due to local taxes.