Life After Noah

A belated happy new year! If anyone knows what happened to January and February, please let me know. How does it always happen that one minute we’re switching on Christmas lights, and the next it’s March?

Unbelievably, it’s already been a few months since I completed the two series of books in the Noah’s Ark universe. I’d like to say a massive thank you for all the lovely reviews and comments. It’s both gratifying and humbling to know so many people enjoyed inhabiting that world with me.

Lots of people wanted to know if this really is it, or if we might see more of the Noah’s Ark crew in the future. My answer to that question is never say never. I have some ideas about how to tell the story of what happens next, but I’m not ready to leap in yet.

In the meantime, I’ve been busy working on the first in a brand new series. I’ll be able to let on more about it soon. For now, all I can say is there’s no apocalypse in sight! We’re looking at publication around the start of April, and I’ll be in touch before then with more details.

One other piece of news is that my publisher has put together a ‘box set’ of my Dreamshifters series. It contains all three books for a barely more than the price of one, so if you want to give that series a try, there’s never been a better time. All the details about the trilogy can be found here.

Now, back to the keyboard. I’ll post again soon with some sneak-preview stuff about the new book. Until then, good reading!


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